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Retail Therapy

Updated: Aug 8, 2022

When someone chooses to shop in order to uplift their mood, it is called retail therapy. Although everybody has their own way to boost their mood, for example, eating their favorite food, listening to music, watching a series or hanging out with friends. Research shows that 65% of people resort to shopping for the same. Research also shows that if done in moderation, retail therapy helps to better one’s mood.

What retail therapy does is that it gives the person a sense of control ‌when other things seem out of control to them. Interestingly, not only deciding to buy something but even a decision not to make a purchase helps to feel a sense of power.

Moderation is key in retail therapy. If not done in moderation, retail therapy can turn out problematic. Instead of giving a sense of control, it can turn uncontrollable, creating more problems for the person. They may start overspending and spending more time on shopping rather than people around them. They may also start feeling regret after purchasing something which is obviously the opposite to the actual goal, i.e. to uplift their mood in the first place.

Retail therapy is helpful only when you are thoughtful. Following are some points that one can consider when choosing retail therapy-:

Stick to your budget

Set a budget for yourself before going

shopping. Stick to the budget you set. It will help you stay in control and not feel guilty after making the purchase and hence boost your mood.

Shop for things you actually need

Make a list of things you need beforehand. By doing this, you’ll buy something that was actually necessary for you and you’ll also feel better because you went shopping after all!

Try window-shopping first

Ask a friend to go out with you, do window shopping and have a good time. Sometimes not only purchasing something but only looking at things you like can uplift your mood. You can also ‌try clothes out! That makes me happy at least.

Think about your purchase first

When you window shop or try out something, give it a thought first, give yourself sometime or maybe 1-2 days before you make the purchase. Once you take time, you may realize that you don’t need the thing actually and then the thought of purchasing will subside on its own. However, if you still feel that you need the thing, then you can easily go back and buy it.

Get help for serious concerns

Another point that needs to be taken care of is that retail therapy is just a temporary mood boost. It may help you after a hectic week in office or an argument with a loved one, but if you are noticing yourself in this situation very frequently, then it is better to take help and choose proper therapy for a more permanent solution.

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